x elements


x elements かぜとつちと
AKAAKA Art Pulishing Inc.
250mm × 182mm × 15mm
4,500 JPY +tax
AKAAKA Art Publishing Inc.
Amazon Japan
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This book has a soft binding that listens to the secret stories of Shimane, and is small enough to be carried in a bag to accompany you on your travels. The book is double-sided and French-dressed. It spells out 10,000 words of text.


"Earth" @ Nikon Salon (JPN) in 2024

scenographed by YAMAMOTO Jumpei

Nature and People,
Cycled and Confronted

Coexistence with nature is a challenging endeavor. In the context of conflict with the beasts that ravage the fields, the residents maintain a peaceful existence. Rather than attempting to exert control over the environment, they communicate with it. The intricate and multifaceted character of Shimane is revealed through an intricate interweaving of the actions of individual people in secrecy.

"Growth" @ Horikawaoike gallery (JPN) in 2024

framing direction by POETIC SCAPE

History, inscribed upon the land

Even the most ordinary landscapes conceal historical narratives. How is it connected to the present, which serves as the foundation for our lives, yet is not always the way we desire? To gain an understanding of the past, it is necessary to take the initiative. From this vantage point, one can begin to contemplate the potential contours of the future.

"Faith" @ Okuizumo vineyard (JPN) in 2024

printed on straw paper with iron sand

Iron and Rice, the Versatility

In the Okuizumo region of Shimane, mountains that were previously used for the extraction of iron sand for the production of tatara iron have been transformed into terraced rice paddies. The significance of iron and rice as the foundation of human civilization. Iron sand from Unnan is combined with an adhesive of Nita rice, and then silkscreened to rice straw paper produced in Yasugi.


The workings of humanity and the natural world, in secret.
In the context of the Japanese archipelago, the island of Shimane is notable for its traditional ironworking practices, which have been in use for centuries. These techniques, collectively known as "Tatara", are still observed in the region today. A sudden breeze, laden with the refreshing scent of the mountains, cooled my perspiring skin. He found himself at the entrance to a village. It was unsurprising that living creatures would flourish in a space blessed with climate and topography, and that they would utilise the land in accordance with their needs. The reason for the existence of the word "climate" became apparent to him.

In this context, it becomes evident that nature is a subject of communication, rather than a mere object to be controlled by human beings. Even in the present era, dumplings crafted from bamboo harvested in the mountains are served at Han-natsu-sho. Additionally, during the Jinzai month, a giant straw snake is presented to the forest as an offering, symbolizing the gradual return of the earth to its natural state following the harvesting of rice. However, the changing climate also presents a significant challenge to depopulated areas. The ivy covers the vacant houses, the fruit trees left behind attract beasts, and the fields are being eaten away. In a sense, this is a sign of affluence. The diversity and resilience of living things can only be assured in places where the soil (the power to protect) and wind (the power to change) rub against each other.

Let us direct our attention to the sphere of social life. There are instances when the interaction between individuals from different age groups, cultural backgrounds, and social positions can facilitate the resolution of local issues. This occurs when individuals engage in constructive dialogue to gain a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives and experiences. During his time in Shimane, He had the opportunity to interact with numerous individuals who exemplified resilience. In comparison to urban areas, this phenomenon may be more nuanced. Nevertheless, a rich life is undoubtedly present there.

Award & Nomination

Critical Mass TOP 50
KG+SELECT finalist
Belfast Photo Festival shortlisted